Recent Posts by Marlin Nelson

How to protect your roof from hail damage

The weather has several effects on our surroundings. Nowadays, a house is made with material which makes it sustainable in all climates. However, some conditions lead to damage to our homes. Roofs are highly prone to harsh weather because they are constantly exposed to the outside world. A hail storm is considered one of the biggest causes of roof damage, sometimes obliterating shingles and gutters, both which may require extensive
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Storm Damage and Reasons why you need to get a roof inspection afterwards

Most people don't remember the last time they had a good look at their roof. Every now and then, you might glance up at it while doing some yard work, but that isn't exactly an inspection. Your roof is one of the first lines of defense against the outside environment. If your roof receives any storm damage, the next disaster could cost you more than you ever imagined. Have you
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