


Storm damage can wreak havoc on your roof, and storm damage roof replacement becomes a pressing need for homeowners in the Northland region when such issues arise. Whether it’s broken shingles, hail impacts, or wind damage, addressing storm-related problems quickly is essential to maintain the integrity of your home.

Search Intent Answer:
Contact your homeowners insurance company immediately.
Get an adjuster or a certified roofer to inspect the damage.
Understand your insurance policy details.
Choose a reliable contractor experienced with storm damage repairs.

Weather events can cause different types of damage to roofs, from minor leaks to complete structural failures. Knowing what steps to take and whom to call can make the process of replacing your roof less stressful. Regular inspections and prompt action can prevent a small issue from turning into a significant problem.

Considerations for storm damage roof replacement include understanding the types of damage, knowing how to work with your insurance company, and finding a reputable roofing contractor. This guide will walk you through each stage, making the process as smooth as possible.

Key Steps in Storm Damage Roof Replacement - storm damage roof replacement infographic infographic-line-5-steps

Assessing Storm Damage

Storm damage can take many forms, and recognizing it early can save you a lot of trouble and expense. Here’s what to look for:

Hail Damage

Hail can be sneaky. It often leaves small, hard-to-spot marks on your shingles. Look for:

  • Dents or dings on shingles: These can be subtle but significant.
  • Granule loss: Check your gutters and downspouts for granules. Hail can knock these off, leaving your shingles exposed.
  • Cracks or splits: Particularly on wood shingles, hail can cause visible splits.
Hail Damage on Roof - storm damage roof replacement

Wind Damage

Wind is a powerful force that can wreak havoc on your roof. Here are the signs:

  • Missing shingles: These are the most obvious. Look for patches where shingles are completely gone.
  • Lifted edges: Wind can lift the edges of shingles, making them more vulnerable to water damage.
  • Creased shingles: If you see creases, it means the shingles have been bent back by the wind and may not protect your roof effectively.

Water Leaks

Water can cause severe damage if not addressed immediately. Signs include:

  • Stains on ceilings or walls: These are clear indicators of a leak.
  • Mold or mildew: Check your attic for mold or mildew, which can be signs of a persistent leak.
  • Peeling paint or wallpaper: Inside your home, this can be a sign of moisture problems.
Water Leak Damage - storm damage roof replacement

Broken Shingles

Shingles can break for various reasons, including debris impact and age. Look for:

  • Cracked or broken shingles: These can be caused by falling branches or other debris.
  • Damaged flashing: The metal pieces around chimneys and vents can become dislodged or damaged, leading to leaks.
  • Loose or missing nails: These can cause shingles to come loose or fall off.
Broken Shingles - storm damage roof replacement

Identifying storm damage is the first step. If you find any of these signs, document them with photos. This will be crucial for your insurance claim and when discussing repair options with a professional.

Next, we’ll cover when to consider a full roof replacement.

When to Consider Roof Replacement

Deciding whether to repair or replace your roof after storm damage can be tricky. Here are the key factors to consider:

Test Square

A test square is a 10-foot by 10-foot section of your roof that professionals use to assess the extent of the damage. If a significant portion of this area is damaged, a full roof replacement might be needed.

  • Example: If more than 30% of the shingles in the test square are missing or damaged, it’s usually more cost-effective to replace the entire roof.

Age of Roof

The age of your roof is a major factor in deciding between repair and replacement. Most roofs last between 20 to 25 years. If your roof is nearing the end of its lifespan, replacing it might be the best option, even if the damage isn’t extensive.

  • Fact: Asphalt shingles, the most common roofing material, typically last around 20 years. If your roof is older than this, repairs might only be a temporary fix.

Pitch of Roof

The pitch or slope of your roof affects how it handles water and debris. Steeper roofs tend to shed water more effectively, whereas flatter roofs are more prone to leaks and damage.

  • Tip: If your roof has a low pitch and has sustained damage, it might be more vulnerable to future problems. In such cases, a replacement could be more beneficial in the long run.

Insurance Claims

Navigating insurance claims can be daunting, but understanding your policy is crucial. Some policies cover full replacements if the damage is severe enough, while others might only cover repairs.

  • Quote: “The insurance claim process for storm damage is muddy and confusing,” says Bill Ragan Roofing. Always review your policy and consult with your insurance adjuster to understand what is covered.
  • Example: If your insurance policy has a high deductible for storm damage, it might make more financial sense to opt for a full replacement rather than multiple repairs over time.

By considering these factors, you can make a more informed decision about whether to repair or replace your roof after storm damage.

Next, we’ll discuss the immediate steps you should take after discovering storm damage.

Steps to Take Immediately After Storm Damage

If the storm damage is severe, your first priority should be safety. Evacuate your home if there are immediate risks like structural damage or exposed electrical wiring. Always prioritize the well-being of your family and pets.

Once everyone is safe, the next crucial step is to contact your homeowners insurance company. Reporting the damage promptly can expedite the claims process. Provide them with all necessary details and follow their instructions on what to do next.

“The first thing you should do is call your homeowners insurance company if you think or notice you have roof damage.” – Empire Roofing

While waiting for the insurance adjuster or a professional roofer, you might need to take some emergency repair measures to prevent further damage:

  • Tarping: Cover any breaches in your roof with a waterproof tarp to stop water from entering your home.
  • Water Collection: Place buckets under leaks to collect dripping water and minimize damage to floors and belongings.
  • Securing Loose Items: If you can safely do so, secure any loose shingles or materials to prevent them from becoming projectiles in future storms.

After contacting your insurance company, the next step is to find a local roofing contractor to inspect the damage. Sometimes, the insurance company may ask you to do this first. A professional roofer will take pictures and document the damage, which will be crucial for your insurance claim.

“The first call to make should be to a professional roofer. They have the expertise and the experience you’ll need in order to identify any potential issues and determine what type of storm damage repairs are needed.” – Empire Roofing

By taking these immediate steps, you can protect your home from further damage and streamline the repair process. Next, we’ll delve into choosing the right contractor for storm damage roof replacement.

Choosing the Right Contractor for Storm Damage Roof Replacement

Choosing the right contractor for storm damage roof replacement is crucial. It can make the difference between a smooth, stress-free process and a frustrating experience. Here’s what you need to know:

Licensed Professionals

Always hire licensed and insured professionals for your roof replacement. Licensed contractors are more likely to comply with local building codes and regulations. This ensures that your roof is installed correctly and safely. You can ask for proof of licensing and insurance before any work begins.

Why it matters: Licensed professionals have undergone rigorous training and testing. They are also required to stay updated on the latest industry standards and best practices.

Insurance Claims Help

Navigating insurance claims can be confusing and stressful. A reputable contractor can help you through this process. They can provide detailed inspections and documentation that you can submit to your insurance company. Some contractors even offer to communicate with the insurance adjuster on your behalf.

Empire Roofing

Empire Roofing is a trusted local contractor. They have built their reputation on honesty and integrity. Their experienced crews understand the urgency of storm damage repairs and will work with you every step of the way.

Key benefits:
Standardized Pricing: They use a standardized price list to keep costs fair and transparent.
First-Rate Materials: They use materials from leading manufacturers to ensure durability.
Long-Term Warranties: Their product warranties are some of the best in the industry.

GAF Master Elite Contractor

Choosing a GAF Master Elite Contractor ensures you’re getting top-quality service. This certification is awarded to less than 2% of roofing contractors nationwide. It signifies superior craftsmanship, ongoing professional training, and a proven reputation.

Why it matters: GAF Master Elite Contractors offer:
Superior Craftsmanship: High standards of workmanship.
Professional Training: Continuous education on the latest roofing techniques.
Proven Reputation: Verified track record of quality and reliability.

By selecting a licensed professional, leveraging insurance claims help, and considering reputable contractors like Empire Roofing, you can ensure your storm damage roof replacement is handled efficiently and effectively.

Navigating Insurance Claims for Storm Damage Roof Replacement

Navigating insurance claims for storm damage roof replacement can be tricky. But with the right steps, you can make the process smoother and ensure your claim gets approved. Here’s how:

Adjuster Inspection

After you report the damage to your insurance company, they will send an insurance adjuster to inspect your home. This inspection is crucial because the adjuster determines if your claim is valid and estimates the cost of repairs.

Tip: Be present during the inspection. This way, you can point out all the damage and ensure nothing is missed.

Claim Approval

Once the adjuster completes their report, the insurance company will review it. They will decide if your claim is approved and how much they will pay for the repairs. This process can take some time, so patience is key.

Remember: The adjuster’s word isn’t final. If you disagree with their assessment, you can request a second inspection or even appeal the decision.


Documentation is your best friend in this process. Take clear photos of all the damage from different angles. Keep detailed notes about the storm and the damage it caused. This evidence is crucial when the insurance adjuster reviews your claim.

Pro Tip: If you have “before” photos of your roof, use them. They offer a clear comparison for the insurance company.

Roofing Contractor Inspection

A reputable roofing contractor like Empire Roofing can also inspect your roof for storm damage. They can provide pictures and explanations of what they found, which can help advocate for you during the insurance process.

Warning: Some roofing companies might try to get you to sign a contract before your claim is approved. Don’t do it. A trustworthy contractor will give you an honest assessment without any guarantees from you.

By following these steps, you can navigate the insurance claims process more confidently and ensure your storm damage roof replacement is handled effectively.

Financing Options for Roof Replacement

Replacing a roof can be a significant investment, but Empire Roofing offers several financing options to make it more manageable. Here’s how you can finance your storm damage roof replacement:

Home Equity Loans

If you have built up equity in your home, a home equity loan can be a cost-effective way to finance your roof replacement. These loans often have lower interest rates compared to other types of loans.

Personal Loans

Unsecured personal loans are another option. These loans don’t require you to use your home as collateral. They can provide quick access to funds, making them a good choice for urgent repairs.

Credit Cards

For smaller projects or short-term financing needs, using a credit card might be an option. Look for cards with 0% APR promotions to minimize interest costs.

Insurance Claims

If your roof was damaged by a covered event, such as a storm, your homeowner’s insurance might cover some or all of the replacement costs. Make sure to understand your policy and deductible before filing a claim.

Contractor Financing

Empire Roofing offers flexible financing plans to help spread out the cost of your roof replacement. This can make the project more affordable and allow you to get started right away.

Payment Plans

We also provide customized payment plans tailored to your financial situation. This allows you to pay for your roof replacement over time without straining your budget.

Pro Tip: Always compare the terms and interest rates of different financing options to find the best deal for your situation.

With these options, Empire Roofing aims to make the process of replacing your storm-damaged roof as stress-free as possible.

Next, let’s wrap up with our commitment to providing quality materials, durable roofs, and exceptional service.


At Empire Roofing, we believe in three core principles: quality materials, durable roofs, and exceptional service. These principles guide every project we undertake, ensuring you get the best results for your storm damage roof replacement.

Quality Materials

We use only the highest quality materials for our roof replacements. This includes top-of-the-line shingles, underlayments, and ventilation systems. By using premium products, we ensure your new roof can withstand future storms and last for many years.

Durable Roofs

Durability is key when it comes to protecting your home. Our team focuses on building roofs that are not only strong but also resilient to various weather conditions. We understand the challenges that storms can bring, and we design our roofs to handle these challenges effectively.

Exceptional Service

Our commitment to exceptional service sets us apart. From the initial inspection to the final installation, we prioritize clear communication and customer satisfaction. Our team is here to guide you through every step of the process, making sure you understand what’s happening and why.

Our Promise

When you choose Empire Roofing, you’re opting for a company that stands by its work. We pride ourselves on our deep local expertise and our status as a GAF Master Elite Contractor. This certification is awarded to less than 2% of roofing contractors nationwide, signifying our superior craftsmanship and proven reputation.

Next Steps

Ready to get started? Visit our storm damage service page to schedule an inspection. Let us help you ensure your roof is in the best hands.

With Empire Roofing, you can rest easy knowing your storm-damaged roof will be replaced with the highest quality materials, built to last, and backed by exceptional service. Thank you for trusting us with your roofing needs.